Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Signs of spring journal entry #6!!

Got a little spring fever Salem???

What a fun dance!!! I was a elf the day before Easter go figure??

Happy Easter to me!!!
My house/Backyard
Well this week in my signs of spring world was first HAPPY EASTER!!! Easter has come and gone and that was truly a sign of spring for me!!! But first a big sign of spring for me was going to my dance showcase! It is always in the spring and it was a lot of fun. I was doing a tap dance to rocking around the Christmas tree the day before Easter!! Ha ha ha!! I was a elf!! The dancers were so good! Some people were in 7 dances they were amazing! Next lets go back to Easter. It was so warm for Easter! I loved the weather and the day ended beautifully!! I got some nice gifts from family!! It was a great day. Next this weather is amazing!! I heard that tomorrow the temperature would get up to 84!! I am so excited! More time to wear shorts earlier in the year. The nature around my house is crazy! Birds chirping at all hours it seems like. I knew some birds from BOTW so it was easy telling which one was which! My dad and I had a conversation about why birds migrate?? We had a lot of great ideas?? Why do you think birds migrate?? Now since the weather was so nice we let my cat outside for once she went crazy with just playing with a leaf!